Year 12 students are completing Stage 2 of their SACE as they prepare for either university study, further vocational training or the workforce in the following year.

Students at Stage 2 complete a compulsory CCAPP program alongside their SACE assessed subjects.

Students may be given an option of supervised study spaces during any free periods. Year 12 students may also be allowed the flexibility of arriving to school late or leaving early due to free periods on their timetables and with appropriate permissions. Year 12 privileges, such as arrival times, will be offered from year to year at the discretion of the College leadership.

Highlights of the Year 12 calendar include:

  • Information sessions about how to make the most of your study
  • Team building days and activities
  • A two day camp in the middle of the year
  • The Year 12 Formal held at the end of Term 1

Study pathways

Students on the university study pathway are aiming to achieve SACE completion and an ATAR for university or entry into a training organisation. Year 12 students must complete four or five full year elective subjects, dependent on their personalised pathway requirements.

Students on a VET pathway are aiming to achieve SACE completion and/or Vocational Educational Training (VET). They will have completed all core SACE subjects and may complete only three elective subjects in order to study VET during their Year 12 Studies.

Christianity, Careers and Personal Planning (CCAPP) is a core subject at all year levels and is not SACE assessed.

Senior years pathway

Subject Outlines