Our students are representatives of our College. The Emmaus Uniform is one of the many ways our students can feel a sense of belonging and pride in their school.
We are grateful to our families for partnering with us to ensure our uniform is worn in the correct manner, aligned with the uniform policy and reflective of our College's brand.
The Emmaus Christian College uniform and accessories are unique (excluding shoes) and is only available from the Uniform Shop, located on the South Plympton campus or via the Qkr! App.
We understand that the cost of a complete College uniform is a large, initial financial outlay so we have made every effort to source the lowest prices balanced with durable fabrics. We offer second-hand resale.
The Uniform Shop and Opening Hours
Our Uniform Shop, located at our South Plympton Campus, is the sole uniform supplier.
The Uniform can be purchased in-person or online through the free App Qkr!™ by Mastercard®. Our payment options are EFTPOS and Cash.
Term 1 Opening Hours 2025
- Mondays - 8.30am - 10.00am and 3.00pm - 5.00pm
- Thursdays - 8.30am - 10.00am, 1.00pm - 1.30pm and 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Extra appointments during Term 1
- Tuesday 1 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm
- Wednesday 2 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm
- Wednesday 9 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm
School Holidays Opening Hours Term 1 2025
- Tuesday 22 April 9.00am - 4.00pm (appointment only)
- Wednesday 23 April 9.00am - 4.00pm (appointment only)
- Thursday 24 April 9.00am - 2.00pm (no appointment needed)
- Monday 28 April 2.00pm - 5.00pm (student free day)
- Tuesday 29 April 8.30 - 10.00am (Term 2 begins)
Book a Uniform Appointment
Mrs Christine Blom, Uniform Shop Manager
7 Lynton Avenue, South Plympton
Email: uniformshop@emmauscc.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8292 3810
Ordering online with Qkr!™ by Mastercard®

Uniform orders can be made conveniently and securely online the free App Qkr!™ by Mastercard® (pronounced quicker).
The Qkr! app is only suitable if you know your child’s size. The items will be sent to your child's class. If they are not at school, the Uniform Shop will ring to organise a collection. Brooklyn Park items will be sent to Brooklyn Park.
How to order through Qkr!
Uniform Policy
The College expectations are:
- Parents will ensure that students are well presented by providing correct uniform items and ensuring that students are wearing the correct uniform every day.
- The full uniform will be worn to and from school and it will be clean, neatly worn and in good repair.
- Students will take pride in their appearance and maintain high standards of personal grooming.
- Uniform items will be clearly named and students will be responsible for their belongings at all times.
- Outside of school hours, students may choose to a wear plain navy jacket or coat for extra warmth. These must be removed while attending school.