Our students are representatives of our College. The Emmaus Uniform is one of the many ways our students can feel a sense of belonging and pride in their school.

We are grateful to our families for partnering with us to ensure our uniform is worn in the correct manner, aligned with the uniform policy and reflective of our College's brand.
The Emmaus Christian College uniform and accessories are unique (excluding shoes) and is only available from the Uniform Shop, located on the South Plympton campus or via the Qkr! App.

We understand that the cost of a complete College uniform is a large, initial financial outlay so we have made every effort to source the lowest prices balanced with durable fabrics. We offer second-hand resale.

The Uniform Shop and Opening Hours

Our Uniform Shop, located at our South Plympton Campus, is the sole uniform supplier.

The Uniform can be purchased in-person or online through the free App Qkr!™ by Mastercard®. Our payment options are EFTPOS and Cash.

Term 1 Opening Hours 2025

  • Mondays - 8.30am - 10.00am and 3.00pm - 5.00pm
  • Thursdays - 8.30am - 10.00am, 1.00pm - 1.30pm and 3.00pm to 5.00pm

Extra appointments during Term 1

  • Tuesday 1 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday 2 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday 9 April 2.40pm - 4.00pm

School Holidays Opening Hours Term 1 2025

  • Tuesday 22 April 9.00am - 4.00pm (appointment only)
  • Wednesday 23 April 9.00am - 4.00pm (appointment only)
  • Thursday 24 April 9.00am - 2.00pm (no appointment needed)
  • Monday 28 April 2.00pm - 5.00pm (student free day)
  • Tuesday 29 April 8.30 - 10.00am (Term 2 begins)

Book a Uniform Appointment

Mrs Christine Blom, Uniform Shop Manager
7 Lynton Avenue, South Plympton
Email: uniformshop@emmauscc.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8292 3810

Ordering online with Qkr!™ by Mastercard®

Uniform orders can be made conveniently and securely online the free App Qkr!™ by Mastercard® (pronounced quicker).

The Qkr! app is only suitable if you know your child’s size. The items will be sent to your child's class. If they are not at school, the Uniform Shop will ring to organise a collection. Brooklyn Park items will be sent to Brooklyn Park.

How to order through Qkr!

  1. Download the free Qkr! app for iOS or Android or visit the website
  2. Search for and select Emmaus Christian College
  3. Add your child's profile
  4. Select the Uniform Shop
  5. Select the day you'd like to receive your order (Christine will contact you to arrange collection)
  6. Select the child
  7. Make your selection under each category and add to the cart
  8. Add your credit card and checkout
  9. Christine will contact you to arrange collection

Qkr! Instruction Guide

Qkr! Frequently Asked Questions

Uniform Policy

The College expectations are:

  • Parents will ensure that students are well presented by providing correct uniform items and ensuring that students are wearing the correct uniform every day.
  • The full uniform will be worn to and from school and it will be clean, neatly worn and in good repair.
  • Students will take pride in their appearance and maintain high standards of personal grooming.
  • Uniform items will be clearly named and students will be responsible for their belongings at all times.
  • Outside of school hours, students may choose to a wear plain navy jacket or coat for extra warmth. These must be removed while attending school.

Uniform Requirements

Whole of School

Shoes - Plain black leather lace-up school shoe with black laces. No 'chunky' heels. Does not include 'mary-jane' style or black sports sneakers. Velcro (instead of laces) is permitted for Foundation to Year 2 students.

Sports Shoes - Quality sport shoe with sole, ankle and arch support. Where possible, neutral colours including a single colour or combination of white, blue, grey, black. Velcro (instead of laces) is permitted for Foundation to Year 2 students.

Dress and skirt - Minimum length top of knee cap

Scarf - The College scarf is the only scarf permitted

Gloves - Navy blue only

School Bag - Any bag other than the College bag is not permitted. Stickers or graffiti on bags is not permitted. For identification, up to 2 key tags is acceptable.

Socks - Only the College sock is permitted with the exception of Secondary School Boys who are permitted to wear black socks with trousers.

Stockings- Secondary School Girls permitted to wear plain black 50/60 denier during winter.

Blazer - Compulsory for Year 11 and 12. Optional for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Hat - College navy blue bucket hat only. Students are required to wear the College hat whilst outdoors during Term 1 and 4 and as requested at other times.

Health and Physical Education Lessons

As part of Health and Physical Education lessons, your child is expected to uphold all of their lessons. The College's Physical Education uniform consists of:

  • Emmaus polo shirt
  • Emmaus shorts (Shorts need to be correct fit and not too baggy)
  • Emmaus hat
  • Running shoes or cross trainers (Skate Shoes or Dunlop Volleys are not permitted as they don’t provide appropriate support for ankles or soles of their feet)
  • Emmaus tracksuit on cooler days (Shorts and shirts need to be worn under the tracksuit so that they can be removed when students have warmed up)
  • Sports drink bottle (water only)

Students who are injured or ill are still required to be changed, as they will be incorporated into the lessons where possible (i.e. umpiring, coaching, statistician, video recorder, etc.). A note from parents / caregivers or specialist is great appreciated outlining your child’s injuries and possible timeframe that they may be out of for practical lessons.

Grooming and Accessories


  • To be kept neat and tidy
  • Styled conservatively
  • Off the face
  • Fringe above eyebrows
  • Natural colour with no extreme colours or stripes


  • Shoulder-length hair to be tied back from the face
  • Plain navy blue or white accessories


  • Hair length, above collar
  • No shorter than number 3 or at the Principal's discretion

Year 12 Boys:

  • Well-groomed, conservative facial hair permitted


Visible jewellery items other than watches and suitable earrings are not to be worn.
Girls: Single plain silver or gold stud, sleepers or discreet diamanté stud in each ear lobe
Boys: No earrings are permitted

Make-up and Nail Polish

Junior School Students (F to Year 6): Wearing make-up of any kind is not permitted.
Secondary Students (Years 7 to 12): Make-up and nail polish that has a natural appearance and is inconspicuous is permitted.


Emmaus students are not permitted to have any permanent or semi-permanent tattoo (or something similar) that is visible in any form of the Emmaus uniform, including sports singlets and swimming carnivals. It is not appropriate for a tattoo to be covered by a bandage (or similar) in an area that would otherwise be visible.

Early Learners

The ELC uniform is the same as the Foundation to Year 6 uniform except for the shoes and the additional Emmaus beanie.
Early learners may wear comfortable, sports shoes every day and are not required to purchase a black leather shoe.

Junior School (Foundation to Year 6)

We recognise that children are very physically active during play times therefore, the Early Learning Centre and Junior School uniform has been designed for comfort, practicality and durability.

The Junior School Girls 'Summer' Uniform (Terms 1 & 4) allows girls the choice of either the unisex uniform or dress. The dress is only to be worn with the jumper and not with the sports style rugby top or jacket.

Junior School Shoes

Each child should own two pairs of school shoes:

  1. Black leather lace-up school shoes (Junior Primary F-2 may have velcro). This does not include 'lady jane' style or sports sneakers
  2. Quality sports shoes - where possible in neutral College colours including a single colour or combination of white, blue, grey, black (F-2 may have velcro straps instead of laces)

Uniform Shoe Guidelines

Junior School Visual Guidelines

Secondary School (Year 7 to 12)

Expectations for occasions

Regardless of the number of days a student is able to wear their Sports uniform, all students are required to have a full set of regular College summer and winter uniforms.

Sports uniform is to be worn on days that students have practical Sports lessons or Year 7-9 Dance lessons. Students may come to and from the College in Sports uniform without changing at the College on these days.

There will be occasions, including sport tryouts, when changing is required during the course of a school day and students will be made aware of these occasions as directed by the Head of School.

Formal and External Events

When students represent the College at an event (e.g., an awards ceremony, inter-school competition, or performance), they are required to wear the 'formal uniform' as determined by the Head of School. The formal uniform includes a blazer, tie, and shirt for both boys and girls. Girls may borrow the tie from the uniform shop for these special occasions.

Sports Uniform
Students may wear their Sports uniform on the days they have Sports lessons. In addition to this:

Year 7-9 Dance and Drama: Students may wear their Sports uniform on days when Dance and Drama is taught.
Year 10-12 Dance: Students are to wear Sports uniform; however, they will need to change for the lesson.
Year 10-12 Drama: Students must stay in formal uniform and change at school.

Uniform Seasons

The summer uniform is to be worn during Term 1 and Term 4.
The winter uniform is to be worn during Term 2 and Term 3.
During Terms 2 and 3, the summer uniform is permitted when the temperature is 24C or over, as forecast by the BOM at 4pm the day prior.

Secondary School Visual Guidelines

Second Hand Uniforms

Second hand garments are available at the Uniform Shop with no exchange or refund.

If you would like to resell your uniform, please consider the condition of your garments. We cannot accept clothing that is faded, stained, has holes or is an outdated design.

Pictured is the up-to-date uniform logo. We can no longer accept uniform with the previous logo.

Due to health reasons, we cannot accept second hand shoes, hats and socks.

How to prepare your garments for second hand sale:

  • Please wash or dry clean and press all items (this may increase value of return)
  • Stitch up loose hems
    Remove name tags where possible
  • Ask yourself, "Would I buy this second-hand for my child?"
  • Place items on a hanger in a bag along with a completed Second Hand Uniform for Resale Form and return to the Uniform Shop during open times or at Student Services.

Sale Reimbursement
Any proceeds generated from the sale of second hand items will be credited to the remaining school fees payable through FACTS, the College's online fee payment gateway. If your family is no longer enrolled at Emmaus, we will contact you to arrange direct funds transfer.