Jesus Christ is Lord: Our Foundation
Our heritage began in 1979, with the motto, “Jesus Christ is Lord”. Our mission and purpose is rooted in this declaration and submission to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Our distinctive purpose is a response to the person, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the foundation of our College.
Our Vision: Inspiring hearts, inspiring minds.
Our Mission: To inspire young people by providing excellence in education within a caring Christian community.
Our Values:
Faith: Nurturing a Christ-centred faith and lifestyle.
Learning: Cultivating a lifelong love of authentic learning.
Community: Fostering authentic Godly relationships.
Service: Encouraging acts of service at school and in the wider community.
Our College Purpose
We desire for our students to:
- Know they are loved by God.
- Know they are not a chance creation, but a unique individual deliberately created.
- Know that God’s love towards each of us was demonstrated in Jesus.
- Know that they are worthy and valued.
- Become mature Christian adults.
- Pursue excellence.
- Learn to develop the unique set of abilities God has given them.
- Have a positive, Godly influence on the world.
We centre on God's Word in all we do. As a College community we will seek to constantly grow in our understanding of God and His call on our lives both individually and corporately.
We offer a nurturing environment where respect for both ourselves and others is to be a characteristic. This speaks of a community where the diversity of gifts and abilities are fostered and celebrated, where empathy and compassion are evident and serving others is an aspect of worship.
We are committed to be responsive to the needs of the world that our students will inhabit in the future and the opportunities that will be available for Christians to have an impact in that world for the glory of God.
We aim to:
- Ensure our school structures are focused on the needs of students.
- Maintain strong school/home communication.
- Design a timetable that caters for a broad range of student needs.
- Offer school curricula to meet the needs of all students.
- Ensure our facilities (infrastructure – buildings, grounds, resources) cater for the learning experiences of all students.
- Provide a balanced curriculum that addresses academic and spiritual needs, as well as physical and mental/emotional wellbeing in a way that is in harmony with Biblical truths is paramount
Our Education Goals
Through providing excellence in education, our aim is that young people will Belong, Flourish, Think and Respond.
Belong: To know others and be known.
Flourish: Discover and grow into who they are in Christ
Think: Build their knowledge, apply their skills and discern the truth
Respond: Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God
Our Philosophy
Christian schooling is an extension of the education which Christian parents provide for their children in the home. While recognising that the home has the primary responsibility for the education of children, we see that the influence of Christian teachers, peers and curricula is significant in helping children develop as committed Christians and responsible, effective members of society.
We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God and is the standard by which all ideologies, philosophies and theologies are to be evaluated. Therefore, education should be Christ-centred, in accord with Biblical truths and principles, academically sound, and effective in helping individuals to serve God and others.