Inspiring Hearts, Inspiring Minds
I warmly welcome you to our website and extend a personal invitation to engage further with our staff as you explore our distinctly Christian approach to education, community, and service.
Discerning a suitable school partnership is an important decision for families and is about much more than just ‘education’. Established in 1979, Emmaus Christian College is a non-denominational, distinctly Christian, coeducational ELC to Year 12 learning community grounded in Biblical principles. Emmaus operates across two metropolitan campuses, South Plympton (F – Year 12), and Brooklyn Park (ELC – Year 6). Students attending the Brooklyn Park Campus for their Junior School years join the South Plympton Campus for year 7 to 12 representing a seamless educational pathway. Access to our South Plympton Campus is supported by our extensive private bus network.
In partnership with families we believe a deep personal faith is ‘caught’ not just ‘taught’ through the nurturing and loving discipleship of our passionate all Christian staff. At Emmaus we believe every child is unique and made in the image of God. Every child has been blessed with unique God given gifts and abilities that Emmaus, in partnership with families, nurture to their fullest. As a result, our students excel in a wide range of areas including academic, sporting, cultural, and service. We give glory to God for the achievement and success of our students and pray they use their achievements to honour God and bring glory to His kingdom.
Although the information on the website will give you a general understanding of our College, I encourage you to register for a Principal's Tour to meet me personally or contact one of our Enrolment Officers to gain greater insight about our College.
Andrew Linke
Executive Principal