Our Early Learning Centre (ELC) is the first step on an education pathway at Emmaus Christian College. Immersed in the Junior School at Brooklyn Park Campus, the ELC is a Christ-centred, nurturing and safe learning environment for children aged between three and five.

Our ELC is underpinned by the existing College vision, values and philosophy. The nationally adopted Early Years Learning Framework is presented from a Christian worldview, enriched by embracing practices from Guided Play-Based Learning, Reggio Emilia and Nature Play.

Our high quality, long day care education program is tailored for both three-year-olds and four-year-olds. We also offer a four-year-old preschool/kindy program that meets all the requirements of children transitioning into school.

Start your child’s future on a firm faith foundation

Our ELC Program

Our ELC provides an all-encompassing integrated learning program for children aged between three and five.

Our vibrant and modern centre has been thoughtfully designed to provide children with the best learning experiences, through flexible learning spaces, customised for each age group. Children have opportunities to navigate and engage with materials that foster curiosity and develop a sense of wonder. There is a balance between indoor and outdoor spaces, fixed and movable items, to engage and inspire learning and allow children to develop a sense of risk-taking and problem-solving.

Early Learning Centre Open Day

The Early Learning Centre Open Day is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to explore our Centre's impressive new facilities, meet our passionate team of Christian educators, and discover how you can partner with us in a Christ-centred education for your child.

We invite you to register for an Open Day on Saturday 17 May or Saturday 23 August 10am - 12pm

Operating hours

Our ELC operates as a long day care service, five days a week, 7.30am to 6.00pm, 48 weeks per year.

Preschool program

Our long day care includes a four-year-old preschool (or kindergarten) program that meets all the requirements of children transitioning into school. Preschool children are required to attend the Centre at least two days each week. Two teachers, qualified with a Masters in Education, oversee the planning and implementation of the three and four-year-old preschool program.

The South Australian Government has entitled all children to attend preschool for up to 15 hours a week, (equivalent to two days per week) over 40 weeks of one calendar year. The 40 weeks are scheduled at the same time as school term dates.

Our standard four-year-old preschool program operates daily from approximately 8.30am to 3pm. However, all children are able to enrol for additional hours through the long day care service which operates Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 6pm.

Children may begin in the long day care program prior to the preschool program, and also remain in the long day care program at the conclusion of the preschool program.

Find out more about preschool at SA Government's website.

Snacks and meal times

We offer breakfast for children arriving before 8.10am.

Children are required to bring a packed lunch and recess.

Class numbers and Educator ratios

Each ELC Class will have no more than 30 children on any given day.
Our ELC is run by qualified educators and teachers offering the industry standard educator / child ratio of 1:10.


Our high quality educational program offers a balance of incursions and excursions similar to school opportunities:

  • Incursions - performances and guest speakers visiting the centre
  • Excursions - such as a visit to the central market, local park or the road safety school.

Your enrolment application

Enrolments are open for children aged between three and five for commencement at the beginning of Terms 1 and 2. We offer a full-day booking option on the days that suit you between Monday and Friday and the number of days that suit you between two and five days per week.

As we appreciate that each family circumstance is unique, you are welcome to negotiate start and finish hours with the ELC Director, Lauren Hughes.

Please note that our full enrolment process, including interview and orientation, need to be completed prior to your child commencing at the start of each term.

When applying for enrolment, our Enrolment Officer will be in touch to discuss the length of time spent in each classroom (Class 3 and Class 4), as each child is individual in their progress. Progression is subject to consultation with the ELC Director and your child’s Early Birth Assessment.

A smooth transition to foundation

As an integral part of the Junior School, ELC students experience a smooth transition to Foundation. The friendships children form at ELC are continued through as they can share the excitement of starting 'big school' with each other.

All students have guaranteed access to the South Plympton Secondary School at the conclusion of Year 6 at Brooklyn Park.

Applications for enrolment into Junior School are subject to the College Enrolment Policy.

Find out more

Learning philosophy

The nationally adopted Early Years Learning Framework is presented from a Christian worldview, enriched by embracing practices from Guided Play-Based Learning, Reggio Emilia and Nature Play.

Nature Play

Children are inspired to engage with and in the natural environment God created. The ELC environment is intentionally set up with a balance between indoor and outdoor space, fixed and movable items, to engage in learning. These play-based learning opportunities inspire learning and develop a sense of risk taking and problem solving.

We offer flexibility for children to navigate and engage with a variety of materials that foster curiosity and develop a sense of wellbeing wonder, as a pathway to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) inquiry process.

Reggio Emilia

The following aspects of the Reggio Emilia approach will be prioritised:

  • The learning environment is seen as a third educator supporting a rich depth of learning and opportunity. This means teachers are very strategic in the way they create opportunities for children to engage in learning experiences on a daily basis.
  • Learning is expressed in many different ways e.g. dance, literacy, painting, making, block building, etc
  • Children’s own interests are embraced providing opportunities to further develop and enrich learning at a deeper level.
  • Children’s prior knowledge is highly valued. The Centre’s culture is enriched as children share information about their own lives. Their relationship with God and each other is prioritized and highly valued in the pursuit of building community.
  • Children’s curiosity is encouraged. Children are encouraged to ask questions and engage in inquiry as part of the learning process.
  • Emotional intelligence is developed and nurtured through social development that values a sense of class community. Children are encouraged to think of others, respect others opinions, develop responsibilities, contribute to a loving and caring community.
  • Learning is documented to reflect the learning process and cognitive understandings.


  • Three separate learning spaces especially designed for both three-year-olds and four-year-olds
  • Two outdoor, sheltered decks with heating
  • Landscaped, secure, outdoor play areas encompass the latest in Nature Play design
  • Access to the Junior School facilities as the curriculum requires, including:
    • A second nature play area
    • Physical education equipment
    • Library
    • Performing arts space
    • Visiting performances and assembly opportunities.


The ELC Director, Lauren Hughes provides leadership and oversight of the ELC operations.

Fees and Child Care Subsidy

Our ELC session rate is $145.00.
A session is equivalent to anytime between 7.30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

We require a minimum enrolment of two days per week per child.

Depending on family circumstance, families may receive a child care subsidy. The level of child care subsidy is based on means testing and is different for every family. For further information about this please email our Early Learning Administration Assistant, Kim Sabine, at ksabine@emmauscc.sa.edu.au or visit the government website

Childcare subsidy calculator

ELC Uniform

Our ELC children are integrated in the Emmaus student community, therefore all ELC children are required to wear the same Emmaus Christian College unisex primary school sports uniform. This includes the polo shirt, rugby top, shorts, track pants and hat. The uniform can be purchased at the South Plympton Campus Uniform Shop.

Wearing of a uniform offers practical support for teachers as they plan for physical and play based activities; and offers a strong Emmaus identity as a member of our Christ-centred community.

Meet the ELC Team


Mrs Lauren Hughes

Director, Early Learning Centre

Amanda Ruddock

Mrs Amanda Ruddock

Educational Leader / ELC Educator

Lisa Bennett

Mrs Lisa Bennett

ELC Teacher

Shin Yie

Mrs Shin Ye Chew

ELC Teacher


Mrs Engy Habib

ELC Educator

Ellice Kalialaha

Mrs Ellice Kalialaha

ELC Teacher

Rita Ling

Ms Rita Ling

ELC Educator - Bilingual Support

Geordie Maddocks

Ms Geordie Maddocks

ELC Co-Educator

Kelsey Barnes

Mrs Kelsey Nicol

ELC Educator

Kimberley Sabine

Mrs Kim Sabine

Early Learning Administration Assistant & Finance Assistant

Lydia Wong

Mrs Lydia Wong

ELC Educator


Mrs Karina Kyriazis

ELC Educator


Ms Kiara Wiese

ELC Co-Educator


Ms Zoe Anemouri

ELC Educator


Miss Maddy Bell

ELC Co-Educator

Claire Phillips

Miss Claire Phillips

School Based Trainee


Miss Tiffany Odhiambo

School Based Trainee


Miss Chloe Amato

School Based Trainee

ELC Celebration Night 2024

Watch South Aussie With Cosi Featuring our Brooklyn Park Campus in December 2021

ELC News