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15 March 2023

The 100 Ways of Learning

  • Early Learning

Term 1 has provided a platform for endless discoveries within the Emmaus Preschool Class. Our children have driven their learning and provided us with a compass to support and co-research alongside, whilst delving into the wonder of learning based upon our Early Years Learning Framework and supporting frameworks.

We have gone on a journey of an investigation surrounding our ELC Acknowledgement of Country; this is an embedded aspect of our day within the ELC. We have shared in many discussions where we have captured the children's unique understanding and engaged in dialogue that has extended and enhanced our knowledge of Indigenous Australians and the land on which we learn and play at ELC.

ELC Acknowledgement of Country
Here is the Land, here is the sky.
Here are my friends and here am I.
We thank the Kaurna People for the land on which we learn and play.
For sharing God’s creation here with us today.
Hands up, hands down, we’re on Kaurna ground.

Our exploration of the land has led to our learning about Creation, where we have engaged in dialogue to share and embrace each child’s understanding of the land.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV)

With responses being so diverse, we continued to explore and challenge our thinking by sharing our different theories, but have always come to the conclusion that God created us all, and the land was created by God for us and the Kaurna people to live in unity.

'All About Me' Inquiry Unit

As part of our Inquiry Unit for the term, we have been exploring the concept of ‘All About Me’ and what this means through the eyes of the children. This has been a driving force for our research and learning collaborations where we have been on a journey as co-learners alongside the children. As we’ve looked at the many different components that make us, we have spent time reflecting on God’s wonderful creation of man and showcasing our learning through self-portraits, and through the medium of play-dough, where we were able to model our faces. Once we had discovered our faces and their uniqueness, we captured our understanding through reflective discussion.

Wonder of Creation

Through the wonder of Creation, we were able to embrace the lifecycle of a butterfly sharing in each phase, watching and capturing our observations through various elements of documentation, and presenting our learning for our community to embrace and reflect upon. Once formed, we released our butterflies into the wonder of our world, some flew far, some stayed close but each stayed in our minds where we often ponder, ‘I wonder where our butterflies are’. Reflecting on God’s promise that he will always be with us and stay in our hearts, we have come to the conclusion that our butterflies are spreading their love to others.

Music and Movement

Another way we have been able to learn and grow together is through Music and Movement. When children and educators engage in music and movement alongside one another, they are experiencing the moment as one, making sound and movement together. Children continue to develop and refine their abilities and gain confidence through repetition. This time is thoroughly enjoyed by all.

“Music is the space between the notes. It is something to be felt. Although it does not have a concrete and precise definition. all of us know that music is every sound that reaches our ears and our heart says that it is something fabulous…. that is music” - Claude Debussy

It has been a wonderful time of learning in Preschool and we are all lifelong learners called to discover, wonder and share. We all do this with God in our hearts and minds and we are all called to share the love with those in our community.

Our Preschool Co Learners; The Children, The Teachers, The Environment
Ellice Kallialah, Shin Ye Chew, Lisa Bennett, Jamie Newman & Amanda Ruddock