Welcome to Secondary School

Our Secondary School places a strong emphasis on nurturing the Christian character of each student. We are committed to guiding young people through their adolescent years, focusing on their spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional development.

We take great pride in providing our Secondary students with the resilience and support necessary for a smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. Our goal is to empower your child to embrace new challenges. Our encouraging learning environment allows them to engage in learning and enhance their skills and abilities while receiving thoughtful guidance to explore new areas and shine their God-given gifts. This approach fosters a sense of pride and ownership in their education. Our passion lies in helping young people flourish, grow, and enjoy their educational journey.

Andrea Grear
Principal - Secondary, South Plympton

Places available from Year 8

With a waiting pool in most of our year levels in the next two years, we are pleased to share that we have limited places available in Year 8 - 12.

This is a unique opportunity for your child to complete their pivotal senior years at Emmaus Christian College where they will achieve their SACE in a nurturing Christian community.

We invite you to enquire below.

Christian education and pastoral care

Our Christian faith underpins everything we do, shaping our teaching methods, pastoral care, and behaviour management. We strive to instil Christian values through our Christian Education program, encouraging students to live out their faith and contribute to a safe, caring community. Students deepen their faith through Home Groups, assemblies, devotions, Christian studies lessons and events.

From Years 7 to 9, students engage in weekly Christian Studies Lessons, exploring the Old and New Testaments and their practical applications in daily life. In Years 10 to 12, the focus shifts to Christianity, Careers, and Personal Planning (CCAPP).

Our teachers, dedicated and prayerful, foster a strong community spirit within each Home Group. They help students recognise their unique contributions to our diverse and vibrant community. Regular staff meetings and a dedicated Pastoral Care team ensure continuous support and guidance for all students, particularly as they navigate the complexities of adolescence.

Partnership with families

We believe in collaborating with families to support students' development. Our highly qualified teachers strive to connect with families, understanding each student's needs. We welcome communication and suggestions from families to optimise support and growth for every student.

Recognising parents' crucial role in their child’s development, we emphasise the impact of parental involvement on students' attitudes and success. We encourage parents to engage with the College regarding their child’s progress.

Community and belonging

Our Secondary students are part of a nurturing community that values meaningful relationships, belonging, and identity. Students are grouped into three pastoral care units: Years 7 and 8, Years 9 and 10, and Years 11 and 12. These smaller, tailored groups enable students to form closer bonds with peers, supported by a dedicated Director and two Pastoral Coordinators for comprehensive care.


Recognising the significant changes during the transition from childhood to adulthood, we focus on wellbeing to assist our students. Wellbeing programs are integrated into Home Groups and curriculum areas, including the year-long Rite Journey for Year 9 students.

Developing social justice

Our extracurricular programs, pastoral care, and Christian outreach foster a mindset of social justice and Christian service. Students explore social justice through various camps and programs, including the Leadership and Social Justice Camp in Year 10, the Ernabella Trip in Year 11, Emmaus Christian College Outreach Student group, and the Vietnam/Cambodia Trip in Years 11 or 12.

Career pathways

Students at Emmaus Christian College embark on crucial decision-making processes for their future careers. We offer pathways leading to tertiary study or work readiness. The tertiary study pathway aims for SACE completion and an ATAR for university or TAFE entry, while the work-ready pathway focuses on SACE completion and Vocational Educational Training (VET). Pathway Planning, offered to Year 9-11 Families, allows for round-table discussions and collaboration between providers, teachers and families as they navigate the final years of a student's schooling.

Secondary School Curriculum

We motivate students to aim for their highest potential in all aspects. We foster academic excellence and provide consistent support throughout our curriculum.

In the early secondary years, we lay a solid foundation for the attainment of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Starting from Year 9, semester subjects offer a wide variety of elective choices, allowing students to explore diverse areas of interest.

The critical years from Year 10 to 12 represent a period for students to gain deeper self-understanding as they explore future learning paths, career options, and community service opportunities. We are dedicated to guiding students through this journey, ensuring they have the best opportunities to realise their potential. Our comprehensive range of subject choices enables students to fulfil their SACE requirements and opens doors to university education, vocational training, or entry into the workforce.

Study pathways

Students on the university study pathway are aiming to achieve SACE completion and an ATAR for university. Students on a Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathway are aiming to achieve SACE completion and/or may begin VET. Christianity, Careers and Personal Planning (CCAPP) is a core subject at all year levels and is not SACE assessed.

Past graduates have found their Emmaus education has made them well equipped for further studies at university and they are now working or studying in a wide range of career areas. Links with vocational trainers enable the College to provide a variety of quality VET (Vocational Educational Training) courses, which have assisted students to enter a wide range of vocational courses, apprenticeships and employment.

Career Pathway guidance is provided at all three year levels to assist students to explore viable career options and to provide information to assist their decision making.

Latest Secondary School News

14 March 2025

  • Executive Student Leadership

Executive Student Leadership Team attend the 2025 CSA Compass Conference in Canberra

The Executive Student Leadership team share their key takeaways about faith and leadership from the 2025… Read more

27 February 2025

  • Community News
  • Student Achievements

From the Year 12 College Captain

Year 12 College Captain Bradley T details the impact of the Year 12 Orientation. Read more

28 November 2024

  • College News

Rite Journey Homecoming

It was a joy to celebrate the end of our Year 9 rite of passage program, The Rite Journey, together with… Read more

31 October 2024

  • Student Achievements

Matthew (Year 10) wins National History Challenge

Matthew wins National History Challenge with powerful essay on Vietnam War refugees Read more

14 October 2024

  • College News

Emmaus students achieve record-breaking NAPLAN results

On average, 85% of Emmaus students achieved in the top two NAPLAN performance categories (either "strong"… Read more

19 September 2024

  • From the Principal - Secondary School, South Plympton

Unstoppable Outreach

The blessing of working at Emmaus is that serving others is a vital part of who we are and how we teach… Read more

8 August 2024

  • From the Director of Teaching and Learning 7-12

Pathway Planning Evening

It provided an opportunity for families to have the all-important conversations required to reflect on… Read more

8 August 2024

Year 9's 'rough out' for homelessness

They learned a lot about issues related to homelessness in Adelaide and the heart of God for all people,… Read more

24 July 2024

2024 Senior School Snow Trip to Mount Buller

All students and staff left the mountain with fond memories, photos, footage, and some sore spots. Read more

17 June 2024

  • College News

Music Showcase 2024

At the Music Showcase, we enjoyed a foot-tappingly good night of music from a range of our talented music… Read more

17 June 2024

  • Community News

South Plympton students lead Brooklyn Park Assembly

Our Year 11-12 Student Leaders, together with the Secondary School Worship Band, led the Junior School… Read more

Secondary School Graduate Testimonials