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14 March 2025

Executive Student Leadership Team attend the 2025 CSA Compass Conference in Canberra

  • Executive Student Leadership

The Executive Student Leadership team were privileged to attend the CSA Compass Conference in Canberra from Friday 28 February to Tuesday 4 March.

We were encouraged to “Know the Gospel, Know Culture, Translate” and inspired to bring this to our school community and beyond. Here are some key takeaways:

Kenez - Compass 2025 was a life-changing journey of learning and fun. Over the five days, I learned many things and met many new faces. Genesis 1:27 states that “God created man in His own image…” One lesson that I learned from Compass was to perceive people as God would perceive them in order to lead them like God leads us, because ultimately, God is the greatest leader. This has shaped me and motivated me to be a leader who sees every individual’s traits and feelings.

Ben - One takeaway from Compass was that the stories that inhibit us, shape us. Our experiences are so powerful that if we aren’t intentional about the things we are consuming, then we could fall into bad habits and sinful ways. This revealed to me that I should always be aware of what I am placing my foundation on. If it isn’t God, then it should not be my foundation. God is a firm foundation and he won’t fail.

Charlotte - Personally, something I learnt from Compass was the importance of lament. During one of the sessions, we experienced this by hearing about tragic things happening in the world and writing a personal lament. I found it interesting that lamenting could be in a group where everyone supports one another and is vulnerable together. Learning how to deal with struggles is a really important skill as there is much hardship in the world and I am grateful for the experience.

Mikha - Playing your part. After indulging in the five-day conference, a big takeaway for me was to play my part in God’s plan. He created us with so much intent and passion, with a flame and desire to share His love and His goodness with others. We know the beginning, we know the end. We know the characters which surround us and we have the highest commanding Adviser. Knowing this, I believe that myself and those around me should really put into perspective who we are living for and how we can fulfil God’s mission for us - whatever it may be - we must strive to live for Him and not the world. And yes this takes courage and boldness, and will not be necessarily easy, but it's these challenges that distinguish us as faithful followers of Christ and leaders of the world.

Brad - At Compass, we were inspired to dream big. Our leadership team has had some really big ideas, but there has been some harsh realism surrounding these, given the limitations in the change we can make. However, throughout Compass, there was a restoration of these dreams, through faith. We have been praying for big change, and over this time we grew in our faith and excitement for what God will do in our school and beyond.

Would you join us in praying for this: that God would continue to do a mighty work in and through our school.

Kenez, Ben, Charlotte, Mikha and Brad
Executive Student Leadership Team