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19 September 2024

Unstoppable Outreach

  • From the Principal - Secondary School, South Plympton

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

The blessing of working at Emmaus is that serving others, or as I like to call it, ‘looking beyond the school gate,’ is a vital part of who we are and who we grow young people to be - to be all they can be in Christ. What a privilege to be part of a College that is invested in something so much bigger than oneself. I have been passionate about Social Justice for many years, and now I get to put my money where my mouth is - literally.

Year 10 Social Justice Camp

The Year 10 Social Justice and Leadership camp in Week 7, Term 3 reminded me of the blessing we are called to be to others. I was sent a photo of Year 10 boys praying over the lunches they had made for disadvantaged children. They had their arms around each other as they realised the promise of Jesus that as they serve, or ‘do for the least of these’, they do for him. It makes me feel quite awed at that kind of love. At that opportunity to serve and to have students who take the chance to be so magnificent in their love for others.

Year 10 Boys praying the food packages would go to people who need it most

Emmaus Christian College Outreach (ECCO)

ECCO has a student and staff branch, working towards projects to help those in need. We raise money for local, national and international charities and causes every year. This year, ECCO has:

  • helped a Christian school in Uganda stay open and helped feed their students for several months,
  • provided money to train staff at the new pool in Ernabella and
  • helped those who translated the Bible for Aboriginal communities.

It is such a joy to be a blessing to others.

We have a Food Drive planned for Term 4 to help those needing groceries receive some love at the Christmas end of the year. There are so many people our College helps as a community.

Food we provided to the Uganda school

Year 9 Rough Sleepout - Raising money for the homeless

This year, Rite Journey students have raised money for the homeless by participating in The Rough Sleepout, and they continue to look outward to make a difference in the lives of others less fortunate than themselves.

Local Outreach

For several years, we have had classes visit Forbes Primary School and read to Reception students. Currently, two of our Year 9 classes are attending the School each week to read to these children. It is delightful to see them with each other. My splendid Year 9 class, who read to their little buddies, also helped a local retirement village with their IT problems, relieving frustrations for those who haven't been able to embrace the digital age. It was so lovely to see the residents waiting to see my students again for the help that they need. And the students like visiting too.

Pitjantjatjara Children's Bible Launch

In 2023, our whole community supported Secondary School Teacher, Neil Blenkinsop's bike ride to Ernabella to raise money for our Pitjantjara community and the publication of the Children’s Bible. We raised over $30,000 for this project, which was a chance to print and give the Bible to those who would not receive it otherwise.

Best of all, we will launch this Bible at our South Plympton Campus on Saturday 2 November. Godaku Tjukurpa - Pitjantjatjara Children's Art Bible Launch

It will be so exciting to see this beautiful book published by the Bible Society and share God's love for our Aboriginal neighbours. What a privilege!

This is just a small part of what we have been working on this year. There is so much more going on in our community, and I hope it continues to be an integral part of who we are as children of God.

May God bless the work of our College as we seek to worship our Risen Saviour and Lord and serve those in our community. As we are reminded in John 12:26:

'Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.’ John 12:26 (NIV)

Andrea Grear
Principal - Secondary School, South Plympton