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17 June 2024

South Plympton students lead Brooklyn Park Assembly

  • Community News

Our Year 11-12 Student Leaders, together with the Secondary School Worship Band, led the Junior School assembly at our Brooklyn Park campus on Monday 3 June.

The students decided upon a theme of 'being part of the body of Christ' and in a God-honouring way, presented this to the students. It was a delight to be able to worship with the Junior School students and hear their shouts of praise to God.

A big 'thank you' to Brad for leading our devotion on being part of the body of Christ, and to Sehreem for her jenga visualisation. It is lovely to see our students input into the lives of other students cross-campus. It was lovely to hear from the students recognising their gifts and talents that make them unique and valued members of the body of Christ!

Michael Worley
Year 11-12 Director