Year 12 – Modern History

Level: Stage 2
Prerequisites: None
Assumed knowledge: Nil

Course Summary:

In the study of Modern History at Stage 2, students investigate the growth of modern nations at a time of rapid global change. They engage in a study of one nation (Germany), and of interactions between or among nations. Students also explore relationships among nations and groups, examine some significant and distinctive features of the world since 1945 (Vietnam and Cambodia), and consider their impact on the contemporary world.

Through their studies, students build their skills in historical method through inquiry, by examining and evaluating the nature of sources. This includes who wrote or recorded them, whose history they tell, whose stories are not included and why, and how technology is creating new ways in which histories can be conveyed. Students explore different interpretations, draw conclusions, and develop reasoned historical arguments.

Course content:

Topic 1: Modern Nations: Germany 1918 to 1948

  1. The liberal experiment (great change and uncertainty socially, politically, economically)
  2. The road to dictatorship (the path from democracy to Nazi dictatorship)
  3. The Nazi state in peace and war

Topic 2: The World since 1945: National Self-determination in South-East Asia (Vietnam and Cambodia)

  1. The case for national self-determination
  2. Building national identity
  3. The impact of significant individuals, groups, and movements
  4. New nation state


The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 2 Modern History:

  • School Assessment (70%)
    • Assessment Type 1: Historical Skills (50%) Five tasks.
    • Assessment Type 2: Historical Study (20%) Students choose their own topic to research.
  • External Assessment (30%)
    • Assessment Type 3: Two hour Examination (30%) This consists of one essay question from the Germany topic, and a Source Analysis.