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19 August 2020

  • College News

Year 8 French students achieved awards in a global competition

Global Language Perfect French Competition Read more

5 August 2020

  • From the Head of Junior School South Plympton

God's Word

Read God's Word Read more

22 July 2020

  • From the Executive Principal

A message from the Principal

Our challenge as Christian parents and teachers at Emmaus must be to develop well-balanced socially aware… Read more

24 June 2020

  • Launch News

Debating Workshops Empowering Our Year 5/6 Students

All students in Year 5/6 classes have experienced a 6-week workshop experiencing the process of how to… Read more

23 June 2020

  • From the Head of Middle School

Finding Freedom

We were created for freedom! Read more

10 June 2020

  • Early Learning

Reconciliation Week in the ELC

Building children’s cultural competence is a learning priority ELC educators are always looking to foster. Read more

10 June 2020

  • From the Deputy Principal

Look to Jesus

When my circumstances appear all-consuming, I know that in the midst of this struggle, Jesus is always… Read more

27 May 2020

  • From the Head of Senior School

What does it mean to be a child of God?

Firstly, it is an astounding honour we have been given as people. Read more

15 May 2020

  • Early Learning

Early Learning Centre Update

Term 2 commenced and we were blessed to welcome 13 new families to our Emmaus family. Read more

13 May 2020

  • From the Head of Junior School South Plympton

From the Head of Junior School

During the last two weeks, it has been such a joy to walk around and see children happy to be back at school. Read more

29 April 2020

  • From the Executive Principal

Welcome to Term 2!

I welcome you back to a very different Term 2 to what we were expecting when we departed at the end of… Read more

8 April 2020

  • From the Chaplain

The unchanging truth of Easter

What is a normal Easter and why does this not Easter feel ‘normal’? Read more