Our ELC inquiry learning focus this term is supported by our question: ‘What do living things need to thrive and survive?’
Class 3 have been learning about pets and animals and Class 4 have been learning about plants. We have been exploring about different types of plants and how they grow and what we can do to help plants grow. To support our learning, Class 4 enjoyed an excursion to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. We explored the Aboriginal Plant Trail as part of our learning for Reconciliation Week. We then participated in the Little Sprouts Kitchen Garden program where we used our senses to explore the garden, learnt about worms and how important they are, investigated different types of seeds, planted our own peas and harvested our own purple carrots to take back to ELC to eat! We are now excited to be launching our own ELC Garden Project – “Emmaus Eats”.
We have conducted surveys of both classes to find out which fruits, vegetables and herbs the children should plant in garden and have our new garden beds ready to fill. We are very excited to begin this garden project and look forward to sharing our progress with you and will be inviting families to partner with us.