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30 October 2019

  • From the Head of Senior School

Farewell to 2019 Year 12's

Once again, the year has slipped away and we farewell another group of students. Read more

16 October 2019

  • From the Head of Junior School South Plympton

God's Amazing Provision

Exactly 12 months ago I was excited to share with you the inspiration provided by our children for… Read more

5 September 2019

  • From the Deputy Principal

The greatest of these is Love

1 Corinthians 13 is both a wonderful reminder of what love is and how it is expressed, yet it is also very… Read more

2 September 2019

  • Brooklyn Park Campus News

Donate to the Brooklyn Park Campus Library collection

We are excited to give families the opportunity to invest in our College by resourcing the Brooklyn Park… Read more

24 July 2019

  • From the Executive Principal

Welcome to Term 3

It is my prayer the holiday period provided you some valuable family time together, and for some of the… Read more

26 June 2019

  • From the Deputy Principal

The Power Of Prayer

Last week I had the opportunity to take part in the College Principal Tours. It is always very encouraging… Read more

29 May 2019

  • From the Head of Senior School

Manado Independent School Visit

Practising hospitality Emmaus style! Read more

15 May 2019

  • From the Head of Junior School South Plympton

So what do Teachers do on a Student Free Day?

Junior School teachers returned on Monday of Week 1 to be greeted by an internationally acclaimed presenter… Read more

1 May 2019

  • From the Executive Principal

From the Principal

I would like to welcome you back to Term 2. Read more

10 April 2019

  • From the Middle School

Once for All

An Easter message from the Head of Middle School, Jonathan Carpenter. Read more

27 March 2019

  • Student Wellbeing

Big Feelings

Some tips so help our children and adolescents cope with big feelings. Read more

27 March 2019

  • College News

Changes to Parking and Drop Off Zones on Lynton Avenue

Please help reduce the traffic congestion and increase safety during drop off and pick up. Read more