Gifted and Talented is a program that supports students to explore their passion, create, discover and to launch into lifelong learning.
We are committed to providing rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities to all students in line with the Australian Curriculum.
Our teachers explicitly embed high order thinking skills within their curriculum, so that all students can increase their thinking capacity and creativity.
We believe that all students have the potential to grow their skills and intellect through their studies. Growth Mindset strategies are integrated throughout the program.
Junior School (F to Year 6)
In Junior School, we recognise that it is important to identify students who show high intellectual ability and potential in order to nurture and enrich their abilities and talents. Students are invited to take part in a withdrawal program that is designed to stimulate and extend students. Entry to these programs is on a needs basis.
Gifted and Talented Students are invited to take part in an extension program designed to enrich learning. This ensures gifted and talented students reach their potential. Programs are targeted to meet individual student needs.
Students are invited to attend if they meet some of the following criteria:
- Teacher referral
- Results and recommendations from psychological assessments
- Information received from parents
- Strong academic performance reflected in school grades or results from external competitions eg University of New South Wales subject competitions
- Strong performance in NAPLAN, PAT-M/PAT-R through ACER
Secondary School
Extension English and Mathematics classes are offered throughout all secondary year levels to allow students to be challenged via additional enrichment activities, curriculum compacting and acceleration to match individual learning needs. Selection criteria is based on teacher observation, previous academic attainment and standardised test scores. Students are able to transfer into an extension class during appropriate times of the year.
Many competitions and extra-curricular opportunities are available for students of all ages.
Programs currently on offer
Rostrum / Legacy Youth Public Speaking Competition
Tournament of the Minds (TOM)
Aurecon Bridge Building Competition
Oliphant Science Awards
Da Vinci Decathlon
Chess club and Competition
STEAM club
Girls / Boys activity Clubs
Peer Mediation Training
History Bowl and Bee competition
Computational Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) Competition
Writers' week
Photo Gallery
Student Achievements
Gifted and Talented News
30 November 2022

FIRST LEGO® League Team Wins Core Values Award
Teams design, build, and program a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot, then compete on a themed table-top playing… Read more
21 September 2022

Debating SA Quarter Final Results Term 3 2022
What a fantastic achievement for two of our teams to reach the Quarter-Finals. Read more
16 June 2022

Launch News
These extra-curricular competitions allow students to grow their God-given gifts and develop confidence as… Read more
28 April 2021

Emmaus achieves highest score in SA at OzCLO Nationals
Congratulations to our Year 12 OzCLO Team who received the HIGHEST SCORE of all the SA Teams taking a… Read more
24 June 2020

Debating Workshops Empowering Our Year 5/6 Students
All students in Year 5/6 classes have experienced a 6-week workshop experiencing the process of how to… Read more