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15 August 2022

Postures of Prayer

  • Student Wellbeing

Recently, our staff was encouraged by a message from Danielle Stickland, as part of the Christian Schools Australia Conference. At the end of her message, Danielle challenged us to make our prayers active; meaning that we use our hands to express postures we want to live our lives from. We would love to share her posture prayer with you, and we encourage you to say this prayer with your families daily.

*We lift up our hands in a posture of surrender*

Surrender… God, I confess that I struggle to trust you sometimes. My natural human posture is to demand my own way and seek to have control. But I choose to let go, and let you have all of me. Take my circumstances, my sadness, my questions, my fear, my grief; all of which I can't control. I choose to live a life of surrender today.

*We hold out our hands out in a posture of generosity*

Generosity… God, I confess that my natural human posture is to hold onto what is mine and what I think I deserve. I don’t like to feel disadvantaged. But I know that you did not see your privileges as something to cling to. Instead, you gave up your divine privileges to come to Earth for me. Freely I have received from you, so freely I give away. I choose to live a life of generosity.

*We hold our hands forward in a posture of mission*

Mission… God, I confess that my natural human posture is to judge, spectate, stand at a distance, focus on myself and say, “that’s not my problem.” But I know you have called me to community, and as a follower of Jesus, I choose to see those who are struggling, who are grieving, who are deeply sad. I open my life to others in a posture of compassion and care. I choose to live a life of mission.

The Emmaus Wellbeing Team are praying for you and your families at this time, and believing for God to be your light, your comfort, and your shelter.