Year 12 Subjects – Business Innovation

Level: Stage 2
Prerequisites: None
Assumed Knowledge: None

Course Summary

In Stage 2 students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and understandings to engage in designing, sustaining, and transforming business in the modern world. They engage with complex, dynamic real-world problems, to identify and design, test, iterate, and communicate viable business solutions.

Course Content

Stage 2 Business Innovation is structured around three key contexts:

  • Designing business
  • Sustaining business
  • Transforming business

Students explore at least two of these contexts. Through these contexts, students develop and apply their understanding of the following underpinning learning strands:

  • Innovation
  • Decision-making and project management
  • Financial literacy and information management
  • Global, local, and digital perspectives

Students gain an understanding of fundamental business concepts and ideas, including:

  • The nature and structure of business
  • Sources of finance
  • Forms of ownership
  • Legal responsibilities and requirements

This understanding is extended and applied through each of the learning strands.


The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 2 Business Innovation:

School Assessment (70%)

  • Assessment Type 1: Business Skills (40%)
  • Assessment Type 2: Business Model (30%)

External Assessment (30%)

  • Assessment Type 3: Business Plan and Pitch (30%)

Students should provide evidence of their learning though six assessments, including the external assessment component. Students undertake:

  • Four business skills tasks
  • One business model
  • One business plan and pitch