Each year with the help of the community, ARA (Australian Refugee Association) collects food and other items to support their clients.
We have have supported this worthy charity with a 'Home Group Food Challenge'. The collection of food donations will help people who are in dire situations, have a little bit of joy for Christmas. It is a wonderful way to reach out to the community and make a difference.
Students will collect non-perishable food from home and amass it in their Home Groups/Classrooms. Senior School donations will be collected on Friday 16 November (Week 5) and Junior and Middle School donations will be collected on Friday 23 November (Week 6). The Home Group in each sub school that collects the most items, wins their choice of Pizza or Krispy Kremes.
Suggested food items to be donated - biscuits, tea, coffee, lentils, rice, oil, dried fruit and canned items such as tomatoes or fruit.
Thank you for getting involved and making a difference to someone this Christmas.