Early Learning Centre Facilities

Your child will flourish in our beautiful, bright and inspiring spaces that allow children to thrive.
Immersed in the Brooklyn Park Campus Junior School, the modern and spacious centre includes:

  • Three separate learning spaces specially designed for both three-year-olds and four-year-olds
  • Two outdoor, sheltered decks with heating
  • Access to the Junior School facilities, including:
    • Expansive Library
    • Custom-built Music rooms
    • Nature Play Spaces
    • Physical education equipment, including undercover courts
    • Performing arts space
    • Visiting performances and assembly opportunities

Opening Hours

Our ELC operates as a long day care service from 7.30am until 6.00pm for 48 weeks per year.

We offer a full-day booking option on the days that suit you between Monday and Friday, and the number of days that suit you between two and five days per week.

Transition to Foundation

We offer a seamless transition for your child’s education from ELC to Year 12.

It is our desire for your child to have a smooth transition into Foundation from ELC. Applications for enrolment in Foundation are subject to the College Enrolment Policy.

More about Emmaus Christian College

Learning Philosophy

We present the Early Years Learning Framework from a Christian worldview, enriched by embracing practices from play-based learning, Reggio Emilia and nature play.

A well-balanced learning environment

Our ELC has been intentionally designed to provide children with a variety of engaging, fun and interesting learning spaces that foster curiosity and creativity. Children are inspired to engage with the natural environment God created. The ELC environment is intentionally set up with a balance between indoor and outdoor space, fixed and movable items. These play-based learning opportunities inspire learning and develop a sense of risk-taking and problem-solving.

We offer flexibility for children to navigate and engage with a variety of materials that foster curiosity and develop a sense of wellbeing wonder, as a pathway to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) inquiry process.

Reggio Emilia

The following aspects of the Reggio Emilia approach will be prioritised:

  • The learning environment is seen as a third educator supporting a rich depth of learning and opportunity. This means teachers are very strategic in the way they create opportunities for children to engage in learning experiences on a daily basis.
  • Learning is expressed in many different ways e.g. dance, literacy, painting, making, block building, etc
  • Children’s own interests are embraced providing opportunities to further develop and enrich learning at a deeper level.
  • Children’s prior knowledge is highly valued. The Centre’s culture is enriched as children share information about their own lives. Their relationship with God and each other is prioritized and highly valued in the pursuit of building community.
  • Children’s curiosity is encouraged. Children are encouraged to ask questions and engage in inquiry as part of the learning process.
  • Emotional intelligence is developed and nurtured through social development that values a sense of class community. Children are encouraged to think of others, respect others opinions, develop responsibilities, contribute to a loving and caring community.
  • Learning is documented to reflect the learning process and cognitive understandings.

Preschool Program

Our long day care includes a four-year-old preschool (or kindergarten) program that meets all the requirements of children transitioning into school. Preschool children are required to attend the Centre at least two days each week. Two teachers, qualified with a Masters in Education, oversee the planning and implementation of the three and four-year-old preschool program

The South Australian Government has entitled all children to attend preschool for up to 15 hours a week, (equivalent to two days per week) over 40 weeks of one calendar year. These 40 weeks are scheduled at the same time as school term dates.

Our standard four-year-old preschool program operates daily from approximately 8.30am to 3pm. However, all children are able to enrol for additional hours through the long day care service which operates Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 6pm.

Children may begin in the long day care program prior to the preschool program, and also remain in the long day care program at the conclusion of the preschool program.

Find out more about preschool at SA Government's website.

One College, Two Campuses

Established in 1979, Emmaus Christian College operates across two campuses, South Plympton (F to Year 12) and Brooklyn Park (ELC to Year 6). Our new Brooklyn Park campus is governed and operated by the existing Board and Executive Leadership team to ensure a consistent, authentically Christian and non-denominational approach to education.

Our Early Learning Centre children are embraced as members of our Junior School Community.

Brooklyn Park Campus Location

South Plympton Campus Location

Foundation to Year 12 Pathway

We provide a complete schooling pathway for all our students across both campuses. All primary school students have guaranteed access to the South Plympton Campus Middle School at the completion of Year 6 at Brooklyn Park.

Vision, Mission and Purpose

Our Vision: Inspiring Hearts, Inspiring Minds.

Our Mission: To inspire young people by providing excellence in education within a caring Christian community.

Our Purpose:
We want students to know that they are loved by God, to know that they are not a chance creation, but a unique individual deliberately created; that God’s love towards each of us was demonstrated in Jesus. From an understanding of this, we want our students to know their worth, and become mature Christian adults.

We see the pursuit of excellence as important. Each student will learn to know and develop the unique set of abilities God has given him or her so that as mature Christian adults they will have a positive, Godly influence on their world.

Find out more about our Values.